The first catipillar started to make his cocoon.
Read MoreThey are spinning webs and huge, I’d say almost fill size. Not sure how much longer they can lay in there before they are pushing each other out.
Read MoreKaatje managed to snap a picture here. Ya!!!
Read MoreWhat a fast snake – since the post the snake has managed to cross the road, and get about 200ft back to his ‘hole’. All on a full mouse lunch. I released him a fair bit down the road into a field thinking he wouldn’t come back. I was wrong. And still faster than we can get a camera on him.
Read MoreIn my meeting, Michelle asked me to come outside. A blackish snake with dark markings. It happened all so fast I didn’t get a picture. As i stepped outside, Kaatje said she heard a squeal. As we moved some tall grass, sure enough there it was, coiled around a mouse. I pushed it into a bucket and crossed the road to release it. As I carried it, it was rattling...
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