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And the snake is back

By on Jun 1, 2016 in General | 0 comments

What a fast snake – since the post the snake has managed to cross the road, and get about 200ft back to his ‘hole’. All on a full mouse lunch. I released him a fair bit down the road into a field thinking he wouldn’t come back. I was wrong. And still faster than we can get a camera on him.

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Kaatje found an eastern fox snake

By on Jun 1, 2016 in General | 0 comments

In my meeting, Michelle asked me to come outside. A blackish snake with dark markings. It happened all so fast I didn’t get a picture. As i stepped outside, Kaatje said she heard a squeal. As we moved some tall grass, sure enough there it was, coiled around a mouse. I pushed it into a bucket and crossed the road to release it. As I carried it, it was rattling...

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