Heather was kind enough to put us in contact with Yanfang and her husband, Dimi. Yanfang was in Canada for a year in 2012. They graciously took a taxi for an hour here (they live in the suburbs of Shanghai) after work to answer some questions and take us to a local place to eat. Kaelyn was done earlier than Kaatje so we meet up with them at 5:30 at the SML Center.
They ordered many local dishes (mushroom soup, fish, beef on skewers, etc) as well as local beer (which Kaelyn tried – tastes like beer :). They provided a lot of useful information and checked out our list of places to visit (which they are doing in the picture below). When we finished eating they offered to help in any way and if we planned a trip anywhere to let them know and they will try and put us in touch with a local student who knows English.
A really great experience.