Kaelyn and I were both awake at 6AM so we decided to head out and find my apartment. The instructions were pretty good except the “3 minute walk” from the junction was more like 1 minute. We passed right on by. We came back, and managed to get inside. Mom did a great job, Kaelyn is impressed with the bathroom compared to hers.
After a quick shower by dad, we headed back. On the way I stopped and picked up 2 green tea frappichinos @ Starbucks. A little more expensive and less in a venti as compared to home (almost $10 each). We arrive back to Kaatje awake and organizing. I mean full on WE NEED THIS PLACE PERFECT cleaning.
After a few hellos to the new model at the apartment we headed to flag a taxi to get to ESEE. Well, he was having a bad day for sure. He couldn’t find it and even worst, refused to drop us off down the road where we knew it was. Oh well, a quick walk and we were there. I then took off to get our cell phones. A quick 10 minute walk in 35C temperatures with 95% humidity. I was dripping by the time I got there.
But I did pass the TESLA dealership 😉
When I got back, the girls were heading off to a casting and I came home to get caught up on email.