We were called the previous night our pickup would be 7AM in the lobby. So we woke at 6AM so I had time to check email and get some breakfast at the hotel. I was hoping for a somewhat ‘American’ version and it was close. Boiled eggs, cereal, toast and then the typical Chinese mix of veggies, rice, etc (I was really craving potatoes or pancakes).
We met the guide outside and headed to the bus. There was already a mother/daughter on board from Mexico and we headed out to pickup the rest of the group and guide. In total there was 16 of us, plus a guide.
Our first stop was a jade store – they turned jade into art. It was truly amazing to see them work and the final pieces.
This one for example was fairly large (sorry I don’t have anything in there for scale but think of a newborn baby) and cost 380000RMB ($71000CAD). The very small ones the size of a 1litre coke bottle takes 2 weeks to make, so we can’t even imagine this.
We didn’t get to spend nearly enough time here, but they have a timeline to keep. It was then off to the Beijing Ming Tomb.