I worked and took the afternoon to try and watch an episode of Enterprise but the internet was not letting me have that. 3hrs later I’m still not done.
I took that as a sign to explore the mall, find out where the Pizza Hut is (as Kaatje says, “find us some American food”). I did not find it as the mall was huge but did visit City Shop, a fancyish grocery store. Nice thing was a lot of english on the products. I managed to pickup dinner (next post) but they did have Cool Ranch Doritos for Kaelyn on pizza and movie night. And chicken for Kaatje, she will be so excited – price is about $7.60CAD for that chicken, pretty close to the price we pay in Canada.
Then the live fish section
And pre-packaged foods, like marinated chicken legs. Think I can get the girls to try that?
It sounds like your right in your element mark. The chicken looked good.
And we still haven’t tried it yet. We will do that this week. It does smell good.
We tried roasted duck before chicken 😉
You are suppose to be supporting them, not traumatizing them with marinated chicken feet.
I was only showing them what the locals eat. I’m not going to make them try it.
They do have chicken legs on a stick at the local C-Store’s (7-11 type stores).
chicken feet… they are delicious! but not sure If I would try those in China… I’ve seen too many videos of odd food from China.
Have you really? We haven’t taken that jump yet. Kaatje ate them by mistake. They do have squid-ka-bobs we may try.