Well tomorrow feels like the first step into the rest of my life!
The day my first baby girl flies the coup!
The day I let her brave a taxi and then the public transit system, all by herself!!!!!
Ya ya. A bit dramatic I know but I can’t even begin to tell you how nervous I am.
Kaatje has argued that we should save money by having her take the bus both ways and then use the savings to buy more watermelon. But, having been with her this week, as she experienced her struggles and the frustrations at getting from the bus stop to the destination, I know that she has not been blessed with a good sense of direction. I guess it would clash with all that creativity she has oozing out of every pore. So NO! We are going to have her take the taxi there and then take the bus back. Baby steps!
Taking the bus back requires her to exit the building and turn left, walk to the first road, turn left, walk pass the first road and the bus stop is right there. Get on. Sixteen stops late get off basically at our back door! Seems simple enough and I have made her walk it with me via google earth. I have equipped her with a cell phone, $100 and the number of several cab companies. So why do I feel like I am throwing her to a pack of wolves??? It is only public transit! RIGHT?
I would go with her but there is no where for me to wait for her and the photoshoot will take hours. I guess this is a good step for her since, technically, she only has one week left to prove that she can adjust to a new city and to public transit in two weeks. Which is what she would need to do if she wants to go to China.
I don’t think I have mentioned it in any previous posts because I am still processing it myself, but both Kaatje and Kaelyn got an offer to go to China for three months. Unfortunately, two different cities in China but only 45 minutes apart. They wanted them as soon as we were finished here but we told them we would not even consider anything until September and until we saw how this trip went. However, that decision is forever on my brain and every step Kaatje makes here factors into it. Whether she does school work without prompting. How much assistance she needs with her work? How she handles the food. How she handles strangers. How she handles mass transportation. Needless to save, I have a constant headache trying to figure out what the right choice is for all of as a family.
One week down! Seven more to go!
Remember one thing, all the traveling you have done this year,even a day trip to the states counts as a day. You have to be in Canada one day more a year than out of the country or you lose your health card! Be careful what you decide. Love you guys.
Check out the in style magazine and read karli kloss’s story. It says she started modelling at fifteen but now you have to be eighteen? You heard that before? Have a quiet day and maybe you should write the route on paper for her. Have a quiet day and try not to worry to much.
You’re one of the best moms I know!! 🙂
Wishing you & Kaatje an amazing time!